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      Saturday, June 10, 2006
      Included in this BIG update:

      - We have some GREAT news!
      - Mr. H's true story
      - Conference Call Schedule

      First, we'd like to welcome all of the new
      World Launch members. Welcome aboard!

      ------- We have some GREAT news! ------

      Over the last week, we have been tracking the
      top support issues that have been coming in
      and worked hard to add new enhancements to
      your World Launch website.

      Below are the newly added enhancements:

      1. If you have any "Pending" members showing
      in your back office, please contact them and
      ask them for a new email address. Log into
      your back office and pull up their contact
      record. You'll see that you now have the
      ability to change their email address and
      then resend the welcome email! (This is
      important because if someone is "Pending"
      then their website is not activated.

      2. The above issue will never be an issue
      again because we've added a new enhancement
      to the "thank you page" that people see
      after they enroll onto your website. Once
      someone fills out the form to join the World
      Launch, they are taken to the new "Thank You
      Page" where they are told to check their
      email NOW to view the welcome email. If they
      do not see it in their inbox, they can enter
      in a new email address to send the welcome
      email to. This will solve any enrollment
      and "pending member" issues going forward!

      3. Within the next 48 hours, you will be
      able to access a recorded 30 minute
      conference call that we hosted about this
      business. Please log into your World Launch
      back office to listen to the call. (You'll
      find the audio in the news section near the
      bottom of the home page of the Member's
      Area. Remember, it will be there within
      the next 24 hours.) On the call, you'll
      learn about the company, products,
      compensation plan, and much more!

      There is a lot of new information that will
      be shared with you over the next week, so
      be on the lookout for it!

      ------- Mr. H's true story ---------

      We've had a handful of emails come in asking
      if this business is "for real". Well, yes.
      This business is very real and it has
      changed the lives of many people. One of
      the many stories out there is the story
      of Mr. H. that you see on the bottom of
      the "Join Now" page on your World Launch

      Mr. H first learned about this business
      and the first versions of the online video
      products three years ago.

      At the time, he was 24 years old, broke,
      jobless, and about to lose his car and
      apartment... again.

      He had already been through more than
      30 different jobs. He had looked at or
      tried hundreds of businesses over a 6
      year period that left him nothing to
      show for it but a bank account in the

      When he learned about this business, he
      knew he had to do something big. Very
      big. He put together a pre-launch much
      like this one (but with a VERY ugly website
      and a system that barely worked). With
      virtually no contacts, he was able to
      get over 30,000 people enrolled onto his
      website in about 30 days.

      With no money to market, he posted on
      forums, wrote articles, and wrote press
      releases to post on the internet. He
      spoke to everyone he knew and showed them
      his website. He had a few people enroll
      onto his site - but then the magic started
      to happen.

      Those people enrolled people, who enrolled
      people, who enrolled people, and so on.

      This went on hundreds of levels down.

      He contacted everyone that he personally
      enrolled via the phone and or email and
      simply made a friend.

      When it came to launch time, a percentage
      of those 30,000 people joined the company
      and he earned more in his first month in
      the company than he had ever earned in an
      entire year! He went full-time his first
      month in the company and has been for more
      than three years now.

      He has no boss. He has no employees. He
      sleeps in every day. He has no inventory
      to stock, no products to ship, and has
      a multi-million dollar internet business
      that he works from home in his pajamas.

      Wait a second... haven't you heard this
      a million times by now?

      Well, here's how this true story is

      You hear about these people who work from
      home and how they are so successful in
      their business, but they never really tell
      you exactly HOW they did it.

      Well, Mr. H. is spilling the beans.

      In fact, he's showing and telling you
      exactly how he did it. The World Launch
      websites are modeled after the first
      launch he hosted. Since then, he's hosted
      five other launches generating multiple
      millions of dollars in sales.

      If you follow the system and don't try
      to reinvent the wheel, you'll see some
      success. As far as how much success
      you will see is up to you.

      Obviously you are here because of the
      massive opportunity that is now in
      front of all of us. The new online video
      products will no doubt spread all around
      the world and provide us with a truly
      massive opportunity.

      You are one of the very few that know
      about these products.

      You are one of the very few that know
      about this opportunity.

      You have the potential to earn a part-
      time or even a full-time income in
      the coming weeks, months, or years.

      How fast everything happens is up to

      Now it's important for you to know that we
      do not provide any income claims here (and
      we never will). It's also important for
      you to understand that this business
      takes work. No, it's not hard work. It
      really isn't. But you need to get your
      website out to as many people as you can
      every day to see success in this launch.

      The more people you share your World
      Launch website with, the more people that
      will enroll. In turn, they will enroll
      others and the process will repeat.

      If you only have one person enrolled
      onto your site come launch day, then it's
      a pretty good indication that you didn't
      spend much time sharing your website with

      If you have hundreds, then it's obvious
      that you did put some time into this and
      you will be rewarded VERY well for it
      come launch day.

      Now don't forget the most important part
      of this business - even more important
      than enrolling people onto your website.
      And that's FOLLOW UP. Simply follow up
      with everyone that enrolls onto your
      website via the phone and/or email.
      Make a friend. Share what you are doing
      to build your pre-launch with them.

      You see, you want everyone that enrolls
      onto your website to become successful
      because you will be earning commissions
      from all of them.

      So keep up the great work out there!
      Several of you already have hundreds of
      people in your pre-launch organization.
      And there's even some of you that have
      personally enrolled hundreds of people
      on your own! Congratulations - you are
      off to a GREAT start!

      If you are brand new to this launch,
      you still have a little time to get
      your website out to as many people
      as possible before the launch. Go
      for it!

      ----- Conference Call Schedule -----

      Every Monday through Thursday

      Time: 9:00 PM EST (New York Time Zone)
      Call: 212-990-8000
      Pin: 5788

      Invite your guests onto this call to
      help you explode your organization!

      See you on the calls!

      The World Launch

      Link to join can be found on the left side bar...
      posted by Lazyman @ 1:02 PM  
      • At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

        hi my name is nisrine khoury i did regester with the world launch but i have a problem with my yahoo email i cant resieve so i didnt recieve my web site with them so can u forward it to if not can u help out here so i can have my site.thanks.

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