Q: Can I have more than one pension insurance through the Global Pension Plan?
A: No, You can't.
Q: What is the minimum and maximum age of a member to sign up and qualify for the $55,000 Compensation?
A: The maximum age to qualify for the Compensation is 66 years. You would need to be 66 or younger at the moment the documents are signed, i.e. after we have reached 100,000 members. There is no minimum age to sign up.
Q: Can I still sign up although I am older than 66 years?
A: Yes you can, but you don't qualify for the $55,000 Compensation. But instead you may use our Loyalty Program to generate some additional income if you wish.
Q: How many pension insurance policies are issued altogether?
A: Only 100,000 policies will be issued for the qualified members, i.e. those who are under 67 years old at the moment the documents are signed. Once reached, no more policies will be issued under this program. We have decided to limit the quantity of policies issued to make sure the program completes as fast as possible.
The sooner we reach the 100,000 members mark and are able to close the program, the higher the probability that we will succeed. We want to keep as low profile as possible, not to attract too much publicity and most certainly not to disturb any national bureaucrats with our program.
Q: Do I need an email address to sign up?
A: Yes you do. But you may use the same email address as your sponsor if you don't have your own one.
Q: What payment methods are accepted?
A: We accept membership fee via e-gold only. More payment methods will be added soon!
Q: Can I sign up multiple members using my own e-gold account?
A: Yes you can!
Q: Can I sign up my whole family and refer them by myself?
A: Yes you can!
Q: What is the "$1M For Children" Charity Plan?
A: It is our passionate project to help children of developing countries through our program. The basic idea is to deduct just $10 from the Compensation of each member, which then equals $1M. Each member is, however, free to donate as much into the charity as he/she wants to, there are no limits. The plan will be carried out with an experienced partner to make the funds last as long as possible.
Q. Can I resell my membership?
A: No you can't. A member found selling the membership will be removed from the program immediately without any Compensation and right to re-join.
Q. Can I pledge my membership?
A: No you can't. A member found pledging the membership will be removed from the program immediately without any Compensation and right to re-join.
Q. What is the Membership Bonus?
A: It's an extensive package of high-quality ebooks worth hundreds of dollars. The subjects differ from A to Z and the content is occasionally completed. The main stress of the subjects is on income generation, but there are lots of other subjects covered as well.
Q: Why do you obtain my personal information?
A: Global Pension Plan uses your personal information to provide you with the superior opportunity you expect from us. We may use this information to develop, offer, and deliver further products and services; process transactions in your account; respond to inquiries from you or your representative or to fulfill legal and regulatory requirements inside the program.
Q: Do I have to request my information to be kept private?
A: No, you don't have to contact us to benefit from Global Pension Plan's privacy protections. They apply automatically to all of our members.
Q: How do you protect my information?
A: Global Pension Plan considers the protection of sensitive information to be a foundation of customer trust and a sound business practice. We employ extensive physical, electronic and procedural controls in keeping with industry standards and practices, and we regularly adapt these controls to respond to changing requirements and advances in technology.
Global Pension Plan will never share your information with any third parties asking, except the ones involved in the program (bank, insurance company, Trust Partner).
Q: Will You sell my personal information?
A: Absolutely not. The Global Pension Plan will not reveal nor sell any information about you to third parties.
Q: Is it possible that my application is rejected?
A: Generally, no. Only if you provide false identification information of yourself, there is a slight possibility the insurance company may decide to reject your application.
The insurance company has worked together with our Trust Partner to be able to generate a special insurance policy for our needs. When applying, there won't be questions asked concerning your health conditions or history, living habits, work conditions, hobbies, etc.
Q: Do I have to provide a copy of an identification document of any kind?
A: Yes you do. But not before we have reached our target and 100,000 members have signed up. Until we have reached that point we are not able to proceed any further nor do we need the copy of Your ID. But once reached, all the members are asked to provide the insurance company a copy of a government issued ID like passport, driving license, birth certificate etc. indicating the very same details as used when signed up with us.
Q: How can I withdraw the Compensation and the Loyalty Program Rewards?
A: The membership fee of 30 EUR includes a banking solution.
Q: Are there any other ways to settle the funds than the above mentioned banking solution?
A: You won't need any other way than the one included in the membership.
Q: Do You withhold taxes from my Compensation and Loyalty Program Rewards?
A: No we don't. We don't want to get involved into the taxation matters of our members at all. It's on your authority to keep your records straight.
Q: Who do I contact with possible problems or questions regarding my membership?
A: Please go to our Contact Page and fill out the support form with specifics and a brief report of your problem. You may also send your questions to the Member Forum if you wish. We do not have a telephone call center as we conduct all our communication via e-mail only.
Q: Do you pay for referring others to this program?
A: Yes, we do. To show our appreciation to your loyal efforts and support, for any approved member that you bring into the Global Pension Plan, you'll receive a flat-rate of $2000 . Also, from each new member joining your downline down to 12th level, either brought into the Global Pension Plan by you or by someone else in your downline, earns You the same $2000 . We call this the Loyalty Program.
Q: How many new members can I bring into the Global Pension Plan myself?
A: You may bring as many new members are you wish! There can be an unlimited amount of members in your first level in the Loyalty Program. We don't want to limit your enthusiasm and will to work for yourself and the program!
The only limitation is that you will earn Loyalty Program Rewards down to 12th level.
Q: How do I register for the Member Forum?
A: You are automatically registered for the Forum when you sign up!
Q: Can I share my Member Forum access codes with non-members?
A: Absolutely not! The Member Forum is solely for the members of Global Pension Plan. A member found granting access to non-members will lose the Member Forum access.
Q: Can I cancel my GPP membership and expect refund?
A: Yes, you can cancel the membership but we are not going to refund your membership fee.
Q: Can I request to be placed in a different downline?
A: Generally no, you can't. However, if you are in an incorrect downline, we will transfer you into the correct one.
Q: What kind of advertisements can be used?
A: You may use all kind of advertisements but please note that any SPAM is strictly forbidden. We strongly discourage from inviting any people via email you do not know already to sign up with Global Pension Plan, as this can be taken as SPAM. A member found spamming is removed from the program immediately without further notice or Compensation and the permission to re-enter the program.
Q: Are all the members treated equally?.
A: Yes, absolutely. When you sign up, the insurance company will immediately get your information and are able to prepare your application to prevent a huge back log compared to a strategy where the applications are not handled until we would have reached 100,000 members. Although this indicates ”first come, first served” operational model, the Compensations and Loyalty Program Rewards are not paid until the application of the very last member, the 100,000th, has been handled and approved. When the payout happens, there will be a delay of only 20 minutes between the first and last payout. So, practically every member is paid simultaneously and is able to start using the funds via the anonymous debit card.
Q: When can I expect to receive the Compensation and the Loyalty Program Rewards?
A: The exact date is impossible to reveal because it all depends on the time taken to get 100,000 members to sign up for the Global Pension Plan. Once the target is achieved, the payout is very close indeed.
After the closure there will be a processing time of about 6 weeks before the payouts take place.
Q: What is e-currency and e-gold?
A: E-currency is an electronic, world wide currency for the world wide web. It is the future for online transactions and business.
E-gold is an online payment system that combines money, gold and other precious metals with Internet based technology to provide a safe, easy and inexpensive way for anyone to transact business 24 hours a day.
The e-currency we use is e-gold, which is the oldest and the biggest available. As we value stability, reliability and fast service, we use the best.
Q: With the nature of today's financial world, how is Global Pension Plan able to stay clear of the securities and exchange commissions or similar government intrusions worldwide?
A: We are based offshore and online, far away from each and every Big Brother country in the world. We are privacy-minded people and think that nobody should be forced to lose his or her personal privacy for any reason. The securities and exchange commissions, or any other Big Brother government agencies have no jurisdiction whatsoever over our business practices. Furthermore our site and servers are also located outside the USA, EU, Australia, New Zealand etc. and our banking is done in top of the line offshore banking location. Global Pension Plan has taken steps to insure that our business, and our members' financial future is both safe and secure without the risk to be spoiled by way too jealous governmental bodies.
We also keep as low profile as possible. We don't advertise in newspapers or on TV, we keep our voice down and let the members discreetly market the opportunity to their existing business partners, family members, friends etc. All the advertising done by ourselves is targeted to people already aware of offshore investments and opportunities.
Q: What do you benefit from running this program?
A: Our Trust Partner will pay us a one-time, reasonable Compensation. But it will happen only if and when we succeed to carry out this program as anticipated. If we don't meet the criteria and agreement, we will not receive a single Dollar. So please understand it's our top priority and interest to make everything work as perfectly as possible to make this rewarding program succeed.
Q: Why does the Trust Partner want to do this business? What is the whole point of it?
A: Our partner is a wealthy offshore trust with long-term objectives. As the anticipated average age of the program members is 34 years, it takes about the same time before the pension insurance policies matures and the benefit of $200,000 is paid to the Trust Partner.
Q: Why don't You reveal the name of the insurance company you cooperate with or the name of the Trust Partner.
A: Because we want to succeed in this business, we need to protect the privacy of all or our partners. This may sound confusing and shady, but please try to take another perspective. If we reveal the name of the insurance company, what would most possibly happen? Hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of people would call them to verify the information. That would most probably lead to a huge work load, frustration and delays in the office of the insurance company.
So please let us act as your middle-man taking care of all the contacts and making the program succeed! That's our duty and that's what we are prepared to do.
As we don't identify our partners publicly, we neither identify our members!
Q: What should I tell people if they say: "It is too good to be true"?
A: As mentioned earlier, this program is more or less once in a lifetime opportunity. Any interested party should do their own due diligence prior to making a decision for participation. At Global Pension Plan, the prospective members are either familiar with this type of program or have received materials and briefing through an existing member, their sponsor. A question probably rises: “Why should anyone spend the time and effort to promote a bona-fide program that doesn't earn profits during the progress?” The answer is easily found from the difference between the wealthy class and the working class, which is that the wealthy class knows how to make their money work for them even during their sleep, while the working class uses their money to spend on what the wealthy class wants them to spend it on. The way the wealthy class manage to maintain and improve their level of wealth is by providing only limited opportunities for the working class, while keeping the privilege opportunities for themselves. This is what you have heard as "The rich getting richer".
CLOSED/SCAMS(based on my portfolio here):
- PPF (closed and refunded me)
- Rog's Offer (scammed)