Okay, I have found this program for people who have difficulty getting referrals to 22usd. I personally have not joined yet but this program is looking great you can find people discussing at mmg forum. The link is: http://www.moneymakergroup.com/index.php?showtopic=75168
This is from my email after I joined them:
"We have a feeder matrix program enabled now in the site: The idea of building this Feeder Matrix Program came out because some members are finding it hard to fund their e-gold or some cannot afford the $22.00 to join 22usd.com. This will also help each and every one of you to find your 2 Direct Referrals easily as that is one of the requirements to get the invitation letter to join 22usd.com. There are pre-made banners in your member’s area and some questions and answers about our Feeder Matrix Program can be found here. http://www.successbuilderclub.com?username=caventou Everyone now have two options to join: 1.) Join the 22usd for as low as $2.50 through SBC Feeder Matrix Program or 2.) Join and pay the whole amount once. Choosing the latter will enable you to reserve your position immediately and be placed above those who are in the feeder program. I just want you all to know that the feeder fund is to help all members and SBC will not earn from this. So any withdrawal request will be on a first-come first-serve basis and based on the availability of funds. Thank you. SBC - Team"