Espot: yellow flag |
Friday, June 02, 2006 |
Okay this is a direct rip from js's blog. Oops hope he doesn't mind anyway you can always go directly to his blog. I am lazyman so I just ripped the whole thing here for readers to see:
"Concerning the new espot: egold-espot.com: Am not playing! Jerry Nash should be doing refunds using the remaining 60K$ he has in his e-gold account. The funds are not frozen for refunds! So you should all demand that Jerry begin refunding. As far as I understand, when someone complains to e-gold and they investigate, they only place a limit on the account so that no one can send money to that, but the account holder is free to do refunds, or take the money and run. Someone correct me if am wrong.
I also just received an e-mail from another concerned player who lost some money in espot and he brings up some good points! After he posted the e-mail you are about to read in the old espot forum Jerry shout down the forum! As well, how can you have any trust in some new Admin called Ace? What do we know about this Admin? Nothing. Just Jerry’s word.
I sent this email earlier today to the espot yahoo forum, and since then it has been shut down, I'm sure the truth is biting JJ and Ace in the A#@, but you may want to send a similar notice to your readership as well.
also, Ace's new forum anncounced yesterday by JJ at the new site and temporary Yahoo forum at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/egold-spot does not exist.......
I know I didn't lose as much as you, but if we can protect everyone from further losses, probably should do our best to tell others to stay away from egold-spot.com as well.
To: espot@yahoogroups.com Subject: [espot] Investors..... Wait before investing
Ibuilt is another temporary site builder I doubt JJ or Ace plan on refunding any previous investments from all of the current e-spot investors.....
I could be wrong but from my experience in the hyip arena for the past 4 years this would be the pattern.
This new site, egold-spot.com, is set up the same way, I would prefer to see some confirmation of payment to ibuilt that the site has been paid for in advance, for some duration of time. A years payment proof to ibuilt would give proof of JJ's new business arrangement and credibility as of "Ace" as new adminstrator.
Even if I were to re-invest in this new site I would probably advise waiting for 30 to 60 days before doing so to confirm that "Ace" is real and in for the long hall....
with the neccessary resources to pull it off.
Quote directly from ibuilt's website: "iBuilt.net works at decreasing the total cost of website ownership by minimizing the design & maintenance costs. Our goal is to be flexible and to address the needs of each of our valued clients. So take a moment to try the iBuilt.net Web Site Builder absolutely free of charge. Take the 10 day free trial to see how iBuilt.net can be your complete Website Design and Web Site Management solution."
If "Ace" is for real then I would assume he won't mind that the several hundred former investors of e-spot that:
"JJ did not treat fairly, lured them into a tempoary site, closed down after his 14 day trial, did not fulfill advertised payouts but pocketed investments, and now has turned over the reigns to an allegedly "credible adminstrator" that remains to be proven indeed, that only JJ has communicated with, who chooses to use a similar style site builder... "
that this investment group would indeed give him time to put his resources and skills to work to build his business to a point where any investor would feel secure enough to invest in the new egold-spot site in the coming months and wait and see if indeed the site is developing a positive track record and payout history beyond the 30 to 60 day mark." |
posted by Lazyman @ 10:57 PM   |