The new site and domain and server should be operational within the next 3 days at most. We will still be manual payout but with a new plan which will serve all greatly! You will love the new site and design.
The Bad News:
Because of all the complaints to e-gold our funds there are locked. We are pleading with e-gold to open and let us have access, but it depends on them. We have given them all info to our organization and now it's up to them to release the funds. There is NOTHING we can do about it. Hopefully as soon as they decide to release funds we will make refunds on original spends only for those who have not received any payouts at all. The rest of you we feel you have made a profit. It is the only way to continue otherwise we will go no further. We are speaking of those who just joined us from May 20th on...
Therefore we are starting the new site fresh! Don't worry! Everyone will be able to afford to start fresh and go on long-term with no stopping this time.
More good news: We will not babysit a forum in the new site. We have great new features so that we won't need to waste time with that. The referrals will actually have their own referral form still using your e-gold acct number to receive credit.
So give us just 3 more days for our DNS servers to take hold and we will begin again. FRESH and FOREVER!!!