PPF news: "
Hello Everyone! As stated when I started this program, I will be raising the min deposit amount starting October 1st, to $100.00. Doing payouts and deposit confirmations at this point with min deposit spenders is getting extremely time comsuming. Also starting on October 1st, all deposits from that date on will receive a flat 175% return. Making the return a flat rate also helps reduce my time in figuring individual payouts. There have been some PM’s to me about how often a max deposit amount is allowed. Also starting October 1st, I will be allowing a max of $2500.00 per cycle date. In otherwords, you can deposit the max only three times in any given month, on or before each new cycle start date, being the 4th the 14th and the 28th. The site will be change the night before October 1st, to reflect these changes. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to PM me anytime. John " Marcos: " Just calm down guys, please. I hope to re-start tradings this week. I already told you and I’ll tell one more time. No, I won’t SCAM you. You guys will see a 0.2% daily pecentage in our website soon (with no principal withdraw and deposit allowed for some time). This is the only way to show you guys that we still working here, I guess. Thanx Marcos
Above are taken from forums... For those waiting for refund, I am quite confident of that when FX-expert refunds! As for PPF, high risk program but I have included it as part of my investment program. Just take a look at lazyman's portfolio link.