All payouts have been paid to the proper payment processors. This month went the last day of the allowed time frame for precautionary reasons, this was the first payments we have made so far and wanted to be sure everything was in tact and in order. Please feel free to post screenshots in our forum for everyone to see. Please mark through your egold number though.
Now for the good news.
After many emails, PMâ€s and personal meetings we have decided to allow compounding. The reason for us not allowing compounding in the beginning was that we wanted to force everyone to receive there ROI back in there payment processors without the opportunity of just compounding it every month. It was our way of not allowing compounding so you would have to personally invest it back into the fund. Our thoughts were that you would gain your principle back quicker with only profit in the fund. Our programmers are working very hard to allow compounding at this time. The compounding will be set to 100%. There will be a compounding button in your back offices and you will have the option to either compound it at 100 % or not at all. If you decide not to compound then the terms will be the same as in FAQâ€s. The compounding option should be added tonight. By tomorrow forsure. The exchange rates and etc had no effect on our decision as there has been and should always be more f! unds invested than withdrawn. So exchange fees had no effect. We have allowed this for you the members only.
Thank you for all the kind emails and pms. Please feel free to use our support ticket system for any account reasons and issues.
Kind Regards,
Peter Ris
For those who wish to join for $250 you MUST put in that amount by 24th September. For PP01 there are currently 24 places for founder membership. Min is $100 + $25 membership fee. I don't know whether you can get in because places are fast gone. Just email me if you are interested.