22usd and Successbuilderclub |
Thursday, June 29, 2006 |
I have a reader asking me about successbuilderclub. Anyway, most information would be available to you once you sign up under this link: http://www.successbuilderclub.com/feedermatrixprogram.php?username=caventou
It is only $2.50(using egold) to join and you should try to get more direct referrals yourself but if you can't don't worry it seems like the admin of successbuilderclub has a lot of referrals for you. I have some problem with my signup link which I have no idea yet:
"Because of the 22USD Club success we will be upgrading to a top of the line server on Sunday June 25, 2006 at around 4am GMT. There will be no downtime but the JOIN page or the registration will not be available until the domain is pointing to the new server, this will be in a few minutes or few hours depending on your location and country. You may Press the F5 key or click the Refresh button to reload the page to see if the registration is showing and pointing to the new server."
Anyway, I hope my readers would benefit from this program as it is not micky mouse(rubbish) rather it tries to help us achieve some income online and they have more incomes coming from other programs. The admin is very responsive from what I have learnt.
I also got paid from the admin of successbuilderclub to join 22usd. Here's the payment proof(click to enlarge):
Here's the email on the upcoming changes in successbuilderclub:
I.Feeder Matrix Program
1. How 22usd Feeder Works
2. How to Make Use Our Feeder Program Effectively
II.10by5 – Change of Plan
I. Feeder Matrix Program
How 22usd Feeder Works:
If you joined our 22usd Feeder Matrix Program and You already Made a Request but have not received your 22usd yet, please take time to read first how our feeder program works:
In order for SBC to grant one request, SBC will be needing 9 people who will invest $2.50. That means the rate by which I can grant your request is 1:9. In the feeder table, showing 21 members who joined the feeder program, the total money collected will be:
21 members * $2.50 = $52.50
If I have $52.50, I can only grant the request of the first 2 members at the top of the feeder table, because $52.50 / 22 = 2. Therefore, after withdrawal was made, feeder fund left will be $52.50 – $44.00 ($22 x 2) = $8.5 which is not enough to sign-up one member. So therefore, if your withdrawal request has not been granted yet, that is because we are still awaiting new members to come-in with their $2.50. So I would like you to be patient and please don’t send me a request more than once because I can only give what I have received.
How to Make Use Our Feeder Program Effectively
I prepared this one to show you how you can make use of our Feeder Program Effectively. So this is not only for those who haven’t joined 22usd yet but also those who already did.
So after reading it, decide for yourself the best strategy you can use and something you can afford.
II. 10by5 – Change of Plan
After careful study of 10byplan compensation plan, we have decided to start in Phase 1 and not in Phase 2. The feeder that I set-up using the SFIPay will be changed to E-gold but we will start with $20.00 and not $5.00. All those who joined the SFIPay feeder, your money will be returned to SFIPay also. The Feeder for the Second Program will be available in a couple of hours so please stand by,
SBC prepared this plan for you to study with a comparison of earnings between 22usd and 10by5.com. Be sure you understand first how 10by5 plan works. You can visit the site here: http://www.10by5.com
I would like to remind you also that you cannot join the second program without joining the first. So if you want you can join 22usd for as low as $2.50 and join the second feeder.
Now, this is a special offer for all those who don’t have any 2 direct downlines in 22usd yet. SBC will pay your entry to the feeder of 10by5 program, a $20.00 value. But this would be one per every member cycled-out to Phase 2. The order would be from top to bottom of those who are on the link rotation except those who joined for only $2.50 and had a free entry to 22usd. For a limited time, SBC will also be giving-away free entry to the second program who will buy 4-heads in our feeder program who have not given 2 direct downlines also. SBC will be e-mailing everyone when it’s already your turn to join. If you don’t want to wait, you can also join 10by5 and you will have your $20.00 back. But this will be refunded also once there is one member who cycled out to Phase 2.
Please read this page carefully before joining to avoid misunderstanding: http://www.successbuilderclub.com/10by5s8.htm
This is only a limited offer so for $10.00, you can have 4 heads in 22usd and a possible free entry to the second program.
So before I begin deleting inactive members on July 15, you may decide now if you will ever get the same benefits somewhere that SBC is giving you.
I have many free referrals to give away. If you want to join 22usd, just send me an e-mail with subject “I’m Ready” and I will give you FREE REFERRALS to get you started. |
posted by Lazyman @ 4:03 PM |